Corporate governance
Build an effective board of directors
Some boards of directors have been able to go beyond their traditional supervisory role to position themselves as true partners working with operational leaders to boost company performance. How did they go about this?
How can the board of directors add more strategic value?
In an uncertain economic context, how can the board of directors add real value to the quality of strategic company decisions?
Turn the board of directors into a real performance driver
What best practices can be applied to take full advantage of the board of directors, a team which is too often underexploited?
Choosing the right leaders in turbulent times
How can one choose future leaders, who will renew the business without alienating its identity? Rather than defining an ideal profile, mixing various styles and experiences is the best way to face today's and tomorrow's challenges.
Reinforce your company’s societal commitment
Companies have a strong impact when they place their firepower at the service of societal challenges. But this requires a new way of thinking and new competences. How can you deliver on your CSR commitment?
Liberating the company: returns of experience
The notion of liberated company remains controversial: some see in it an ideal model, others a deception. In any event, it raises a key question: how can you combine individual autonomy and collective efficiency?
Combine economic and social performance
In the current economic crisis, social responsibility or environmental performance issues are often relegated to the background. How can businesses turn CSR into a source of strategic innovation and creation of economic value?
Transparency challenges
Anticipating expectations of company stakeholders with regard to information can bring considerable benefits. How to develop a culture of transparency?
Rally the entire workforce for effective change management
What is the secret of the exemplary success of some (too few) transformation programs? Discover how to rally the energies of the whole workforce in order to manage change effectively.