Time management
Taming procrastination
Tending to postpone until the next day what we could be doing that same day is a natural mechanism to manage our emotions. Rather than fighting this temptation, how can we channel it, or even take advantage of it?
Sharpen your attention focus
Our work environments do not lend themselves easily to concentration. At the time and age of collaborative spaces and new technologies, how can you stay in control of your attention focus and maintain your personal productivity?
Improve your personal productivity
Paradoxically, the productivity of business organizations has decreased over the past few years. Thus, our tendency to confuse being busy with being productive leads us to waste 25 to 40% of our working time. How can we gain back these lost hours?
Collaborate… but not too much!
In today’s working environment that favors teamwork, concentrating has become a challenge. It is nonetheless a factor of productivity and well-being. How can you give everyone the possibility to secure periods of real concentration?
Attention, key to performance
Better managing our time is not the only way to increase effectiveness. Our capacity to pay attention and concentrate also has a major impact on performance. How can we develop this ability to focus?
Move beyond the work-life balance dilemma
What if finding the right balance between personal and professional life is the wrong question? Recognizing that the two are constantly intermingled makes it possible to move beyond this contrast and to find a new equilibrium.
Escape the time trap
Running increasingly faster seems to be everyone’s challenge. How much of this feeling of constant overload relates to perception, and how much is actual reality? How can you liberate your agenda from self-inflicted constraints?
Managing your time better
In an ever-accelerating world, how to take back control of your agenda? What if the solution were actually to do less in order to perform critical tasks better?