Strengthening cybersecurity

N°303b – Synthèse (8 p.) – IT strategy
Strengthening cybersecurity

The risk of cyberattacks concerns all companies. Far from being the sole concern of the IT teams, cybersecurity must become a collective response. How can you develop a culture of shared vigilance?

Cyber risks are on a strong rise, in line with the digitalization of the economy. Recent years have seen a significant increase in piracy acts: intellectual property theft, client data theft, banking transfer misappropriations, ransom demands, etc. The highly-publicized large-scale cyberattacks only represent the tip of the iceberg. Statistics show that the risk affects all economic players, with sometimes dramatic consequences. Lingerie manufacturer Lise Charmel had to file for bankruptcy protection after having been the target of ransomware. Its systems’ freeze put a halt to its production and generated many sales delays, requiring exceptional measures to restore its financial situation. A study showed that in the United States, almost half of small companies falling victims to this type of attack went into bankruptcy in the next six months.

The need to increase the level of cybersecurity is widely acknowledged. According to a CESI poll in 2020, 83% of business executives foresee the purchase of new protective technical solutions. But will this be sufficient? The analysis of cyber criminals’ modus operandi shows that they actively target the smallest flaws, including human ones. In 2017, the computer systems in tens of British National Health Service hospitals were paralyzed by a ransomware attack. A doctor who had clicked on an email’s infected link was at the origin of the virus spread. In 2013, when Target suffered a massive data theft, the hackers did not directly attack the group: they pirated the access of a heating and air conditioning supplier’s employee. The supplier’s network being connected to this of Target stores, pirates could thus access the computer systems at the points of sales.

The responsibility to prevent the risk of cyberattacks cannot lie on the sole shoulders of the IT teams. Everyone’s mobilization is required, be it to incorporate cybersecurity in decision-making criteria or to show vigilance in day-to-day practices.

In this synopsis:
– Sensitize your staff to the risks of cyberattacks
– Four questions to consider about your cybersecurity
– Strengthen cybervigilance for teleworking personnel

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