Executive Skills
What skills to develop to best hold your role as a manager or leader? What tools to rely on? What subjects to put into practice?
Own your position as a manager-coach
Most managers tend to focus more on operational matters than on the development of their staff. Beyond a scheduling issue, it is more a matter of personal stance. How can you be an effective manager-coach?
Networking: a competency that needs developing
A good network is a recognized factor of professional success. To develop it, an approach that is methodical and targeted is more productive than one that is empirical. How can you build a useful network without incommensurate effort?
Do you make a good impression?
We do not all have the same innate level of charisma. Yet, we can identify the factors that influence the perception others have of us. How can we take advantage of this to ensure we make a good impression?
Employees 3.0: how to manage them?
The digital revolution has fundamentally changed staff members’ expectations: less formal and more personalized relationships, greater flexibility in career choices… How can you evolve your HR management accordingly?
Online communities: How can we develop their value?
Employee, customer or expert communities are a real asset for companies. However, for them to succeed, the organization must involve itself—to a certain extent. How can we create the conditions for such a dynamic?
Combine efficiency and benevolence
It is possible for managers to reconcile efficiency and benevolence. But between performance imperatives and employee fulfillment at work, the dosage is subtle. How can you find and maintain the right balance?
Promote leadership values
Many companies seek to develop leadership by focusing their communication on strong values. But these are often at odds with the reality in the field. How can you promote leadership values in a credible way?
Get the most from your consultants
Businesses increasingly rely upon outside consultants, but are often disappointed with inconclusive results or difficult-to-manage relationships. How can you make the most of your consultants?
The holacratic company: beyond the utopia
The concept of the holacratic company attempts to give employees a maximum of autonomy by eliminating the constraints which hobble initiative. What underlies the success of organizations which have adopted this management approach?