Human Resources
How to develop human capital? How to better control talent and skill management? How to coherently match the teams with the needs of the company?
Boost the involvement of your teams
Teamwork is not always a guarantee of effectiveness. Yet there are companies where the team members pull each other towards the top. How can you use these experiences to develop teams that are deeply involved and in search of excellence?
Promote leadership values
Many companies seek to develop leadership by focusing their communication on strong values. But these are often at odds with the reality in the field. How can you promote leadership values in a credible way?
Base your strategy on your distinctive capabilities
The race for competitive advantage often leads to endless escalation. How can you break this cycle? One solution is to refocus your strategy on the specific capabilities that strongly differentiate your company.
Get the most from your consultants
Businesses increasingly rely upon outside consultants, but are often disappointed with inconclusive results or difficult-to-manage relationships. How can you make the most of your consultants?
Collaborate… but not too much!
In today’s working environment that favors teamwork, concentrating has become a challenge. It is nonetheless a factor of productivity and well-being. How can you give everyone the possibility to secure periods of real concentration?
The holacratic company: beyond the utopia
The concept of the holacratic company attempts to give employees a maximum of autonomy by eliminating the constraints which hobble initiative. What underlies the success of organizations which have adopted this management approach?
The new innovation leader
Innovation is often seen as the work of a visionary genius. Yet, other innovation leadership models exist that are more accessible. How can leaders create an environment conducive to the creativity of their teams?