What are the qualities and skills required to lead individuals or organizations towards their goals? More generally, how to train and engage teams?
Communicate clearly with others
Communicate clearly with your surroundings is an essential driver to the quality of interpersonal relationships. How to communicate effectively to avoid misunderstandings?
Institutionalize coaching in your organization
How to institutionalize coaching throughout the company, on both an individual and collective level?
Why do we give and get so much bad advice?
The advice that we are spontaneously led to give in a business organization is often of little relevance. How can we improve on the effectiveness of our advice?
Use persuasive techniques to obtain adhesion
Managers today need more than just good ideas; they must also be able to convince people. How to develop your powers of persuasion?
The participative organization
The "search conference" and "participative design" are two tools to foster the autonomy of operational staff by involving them in developing strategy and designing the organization.
Control your emotions to make them an asset
How to understand and manage your emotions to capitalize fully on their power rather than be penalized by them.
Change attitudes and behaviors
In any change program, a major challenge is to change behavior. What are the different possible methods and the prerequisites to implement them successfully?
Build a compelling speech
How to build the various parts of a speech, how to communicate at meetings, how to build your credibility, how to convey messages effectively to convince your audience?
The keys to hierarchical relationships
The ability to manage the relationship with superiors is critical for managers to perform well and advance in the organization. What key drivers can be used to hone this ability?