Strategic planning
Base your strategy on your distinctive capabilities
The race for competitive advantage often leads to endless escalation. How can you break this cycle? One solution is to refocus your strategy on the specific capabilities that strongly differentiate your company.
Revitalize your strategy
To stay afloat facing accelerating competitive shifts, businesses must regularly regenerate their strategies. But how can they reinvent themselves while so many forces support organizational continuity?
Protect yourself against strategic blindness
Well-established companies that believe they are invulnerable are often in for a rude awakening. How can you avoid the tendency to ignore unpleasant truths?
Building a consistent and adaptive strategy
How to develop a strategy which can evolve with the context, without completely giving up on strategic planning as a means to create consistency?
Feed your creative spark
Brilliant insights often spring to mind unexpectedly. These “Eureka moments” don’t happen by chance and aren’t the exclusive reserve of a few creative geniuses. How can we create the conditions for this creative spark to arise?
Retain your lucidity despite the isolation of leadership
Retaining a sense of lucidity about ourselves and the situations we manage is all the more difficult when we are in a leadership position. So how can we preserve our capacity for judgment?
Define an effective resource strategy
Make or buy? This question is central to strategic analysis. Yet, the way it is formulated is outdated: today, it is often more effective to borrow resources. What are the recipes to succeed at this strategy?