What strategy to adopt to best position yourself against competitors? How to anticipate the changing needs of customers? How to develop the client capital?
Return to simplicity
Consumers today are increasingly stressed by an offering that is more and more complex. What if the answer were to return to simplicity?
Customer intimacy
The ability to offer solutions that are perfectly adapted to the needs of individual customers can procure a sustained competitive advantage for a business. How to go about this?
Experiment in the age of data
Relying on the current capabilities of data processing, many companies have placed continuous experimentation at the heart of their innovation strategy. How can you develop the rigor required for such an approach?
Renewing the creative momentum of your teams
To foster creativity, rather than going to search for talents and methods outside the company, it might be equally beneficial to rely on internal forces. How can you unleash the creativity of your own teams?
Evolving towards circular economy
“Extract – produce – dispose”: against this linear economic model, nowadays reaching its limits, a new model is emerging. Circular, it aims at minimizing, regenerating and recycling the resources. Why and how to initiate this transition?
Artificial intelligence: beyond the buzz, a major challenge
Today, artificial intelligence offers huge potential, while raising as many hopes as fears. Indeed, while the gains are undeniable, implementation is not straightforward. What conditions are required to take advantage of AI?
Develop the employability of your staff members
In today’s world, employees seek an environment that enables them to develop their competencies and continuously enhance their employability. How best to respond to this demand?