In which direction lead the organization to better prepare for the future? What lessons can be learned from the experience of others? What innovative ways should be explored?
Preserve critical know-how
A large part of a company’s strengths resides in the tacit know-how of many individuals. This know-how is not easy to identify and formalize. How can you avoid losing this invaluable capital?
How can you act as a leader in an uncertain world?
In a context of chronic uncertainty, the image of the bold visionary is obsolete. How can we rethink leadership to regain the ability to set a compelling course and organize our action coherently?
Support customer orientation in the field
The least qualified employees are often the ones in direct contact with customers—with a major impact on the perceived quality of service. How can you develop customer satisfaction through the engagement of your front-line employees?
Disseminating your best practices
How to spread a technique that has proven successful locally to the entire organization? The answer can be learned from the example of companies that have successfully disseminated their know-how.
Boosting efficiency: new opportunities to explore
Is it still possible to gain in efficiency when everything has already been tried? In a complex environment where traditional methods prove counterproductive, other drivers must be found.
Build an effective board of directors
Some boards of directors have been able to go beyond their traditional supervisory role to position themselves as true partners working with operational leaders to boost company performance. How did they go about this?
Turn your customers into brand ambassadors
Some firms manage to rely on service excellence to turn their customers into ambassadors for their products and services. How to make customer experience a key success factor?
Create buzz around your offering
Buzz has always existed, but this phenomenon is amplified today due to social networks. In light of recent studies, what are the key actions to support word of mouth around an offering?
Rally the entire workforce for effective change management
What is the secret of the exemplary success of some (too few) transformation programs? Discover how to rally the energies of the whole workforce in order to manage change effectively.
Participative management in the 2.0 era
In times of free exchanges in discussion forums and instantaneous information flow through social networks and Twitter, traditional intra-company communication channels look archaic. How can one foster a real conversation between an organization and its employees?