In which direction lead the organization to better prepare for the future? What lessons can be learned from the experience of others? What innovative ways should be explored?
Optimize the profitability of your IT investments
Acquiring a competitive edge with information technologies has become increasingly difficult. In this context, a better approach may be to adopt a cost and risk management approach.
Improve the valuation of your strategic investments
How to get past the limitations of Net Present Value (NPV)? By relying on two advances in strategic research, namely, real option theory and game theory.
The customer experience as a differentiation driver
The customer experience involves much more than simply using the product. How to set up an organization able to offer a distinctive experience to customers?
The challenges of corporate citizenship
Although the concept of the socially responsible company is increasingly popular, putting theory into practice is quite a challenge. How to move from good intentions to successful execution?
Use your influence effectively
An original slant on the mechanics of power and influence in business organizations.
Manage your human capital
Human capital is the only cost item whose profitability is rarely measured with precision. How to base your human resource strategy on rigorous analysis?
Good corporate citizenship as a strategic opportunity
Companies often consider their ecological and social commitments as constraints. How to turn them into strategic opportunities?
Avoid reaching an impasse in negotiations
How to conclude a negotiation which appears to be heading for an impasse? Diplomatic negotiations can serve as enlightening examples.